Illuminating the Truth: Stop Uncontrolled Utility Spending in California!
California Solar & Storage Association (CALSSA) Links High Electricity Costs to Unchecked Utility Expenses
In a recent video unveiled by the California Solar & Storage Association (CALSSA), the soaring electricity costs in California were attributed to uncontrolled utility spending and a lack of governmental oversight. Rather than acknowledging their role in the issue, utilities have attempted to scapegoat solar users, diverting attention from the root cause: their relentless pursuit of profit, which fuels unnecessary expenditures and subsequent rate hikes. CALSSA seeks to expose this reality and steer California back to its roots as a solar-friendly state.
The call to action is clear: it’s time to debunk the “cost shift” myth and advocate for California’s solar market, jobs, enterprises, and consumers. Together, we have the power to make a difference.
Here are four actionable steps you can take:
1. Share the CALSSA video on your social media platforms
2. Engage with CALSSA’s posts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn
3. Advocate for significant clean energy bills in the state legislature, including:
AB 1999 (Irwin)
SB 1374 (Becker)
AB 2619 (Connolly)
4. Participate in CALSSA’s Spring 2024 Solar Jobs Survey
Expanding rooftop solar and battery adoption is crucial for reigning in utility spending and achieving California’s climate objectives. As highlighted by Julian Spector in a Canary Media article, utilities have successfully convinced many that they are champions for impoverished families struggling with bill payments. However, the truth is far from this narrative.
California’s approach to distributed solar and storage has deviated significantly, prompting the creation of this video to counter utility misinformation. With their substantial influence, utilities hold sway over regulators and affiliated organizations. By shining a light on the truth, we can expose their falsehoods and rally California to support rooftop solar. It’s not just about clean energy; it’s about shifting profits from monopoly utilities to everyday consumers, schools, farms, and beyond.
Now is the time to take a stand, unveil the truth, and reignite solar growth in California. Join forces with Sungenia, CALSSA, and other solar organizations to support the cause and ensure California stays on track for solar development. Together, we can make a difference and build a brighter, more sustainable future for all.
Sungenia’s mission is to make the solar process as simple and honest as possible, provide the best solution, and to make as many happy friends as we can.