Gary Sinise Foundation Solar Project for Staff Sergeant Dennet Oregon
Sungenia Partners a Second Time with MLA General Contractor, Inc. to Install Solar Battery Storage for the Gary Sinise Foundation RISE Program.
License: B998985
Sungenia Partners a Second Time with MLA General Contractor, Inc. to Install Solar Battery Storage for the Gary Sinise Foundation RISE Program.
Giving Thanks for Solar Power: How the Sun is Boosting Our Health. Read to learn more.
Maximizing solar panel performance during winter: why cooler weather is your solar system’s best friend. Read to learn more.
Solar Energy vs Fossil Fuels are compared concerning environmental impact, costs, energy security, and job creation!
Sungenia shares some creative solar powered Haloween ideas for a spookily fun time. Read for ideas and instructions.
Sungenia shares information and explores the pros and cons of All-Electric Homes. Read our blog to learn more.
Sungenia recently participated in a local school’s Earth Day swap and celebration, and it was an absolute blast!
Sungenia shares 10 key signs to help shed some light on whether making the switch to solar is a bright idea for you.
Important solar news! California Solar & Storage Association (CALSSA) links high electricity costs to unchecked utility expenses.
Exciting news just in: Sungenia is now Tesla certified and officially partnering with Tesla! Read to learn more.
The CPUC proposal was released for utility income-based fees, setting the stage for a significant May 9th vote.
Sungenia installs solar battery storage for a Gary Sinise Foundation project. The dedication ceremony was on Veteran’s Day. Learn more.
Read Sungenia’s blog on the new Utility Tax Proposals Revised to learn about what this means for the future of solar.
Sungenia compiled a list of important FAQs for the new NEM 3.0 Tariff. Read our blog for answers and to learn more about NEM 3.0.
The next phase of solar, NEM 3, has begun its rollout. Learn what you should know as a future solar owner under NEM 3.
Read Sungenia’s blog on the new fixed income-based utility fees to learn about what this means for the future of solar.
Recently, the CPUC passed the new NEM 3. Learn what this means for the future of the solar industry in California.
Solar prices are going up due to skyrocketing inflation rates. Learn what this means for the pricing of your solar system.
Sungenia shares the facts and breaks down what you need to know about San Diego Community Power (SDCP). Read more.
Help defend your rights and protect solar in California from continued threats. Join the Solar Rights Alliance. Read more.
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 has extended and increased the Federal Solar Tax Credit (ITC) from 26% to 30% for the next 10 years!
Upcoming Electric Vehicles (EVs) becoming available to the public could be the future of backup power sources such as batteries or generators.
Sungenia was happy to help these new homeowners in Spring Valley with a custom solar installation to meet their energy needs!
Proposed Assembly Bill 1139 has been defeated thanks to support from solar coalition groups and individuals like you! Read to learn more.
Sungenia helps the historic Sunnyside Farms go solar! Solar panels were mounted on the stable’s corrugated metal roofs. Read more.
Proposed Assembly Bill 1139 is bad news for solar and could kill the solar industry in California. Learn more.
Team Sungenia has six easy Spring energy-saving tips and everyday habits to help keep your energy bill down. Learn more.
Sign the solar petition and learn why a new bill that changes Net Energy Metering (NEM) must be stopped in order to protect California solar!
Sungenia loves having solar conversations and is a trusted source for Poway solar installs and information on custom solar work. Learn more.
Newsletter – January 2021. Solar Panel Benefits, Referrals, How to Become a Sungenia Advocate, and more.
Solar Power systems add EV Charging with Hub Inverters, creating more energy-efficient homes, transportation, and sustainable communities.
The COVID Relief Bill gave us some aid and good news heading into 2021 and added a 2-year extension for the Solar Tax Credit (ITC).
Dirty Solar Panels: To Wash or Not to Wash. This is a great question on solar panel care and one that comes up often. Learn more.
It is important to know your solar rights, the restrictions, and the policies in your area before talking to a solar company about going solar. Learn more.
The COVID-19 pandemic has not stopped solar energy system installations from continuing to happen across the nation. Learn more.
Team Sungenia shares ways to help you keep your residential energy use down and have some fun at the same time with these do-it-yourself solar experiments!
Staying home doesn’t have to be boring – or costly! Here are some tips to help households remain healthy and energy efficient.
New California Solar Mandate has the potential of helping more of California be energy efficient and to help new homeowners save more money on electricity.
Although solar panel batteries are a hot topic in the solar and tech industry, some of the information can be misleading to prospective solar customers.
Sungenia was excited to help the Damme family go green in 2015! They wanted to take control of their energy bills by installing solar.
PV panel modules do not need much in the way of cleaning, however, in this part of the country we don’t get much rain so cleaning is sometimes necessary.
You may have low electric bills already, but that doesn’t mean solar won’t help you. Read more on how a long-time Poway friend saved money going solar.
Time-of-use rates is a solar billing rate structure system and statewide initiative. TOU rate plans are based on rates that vary depending on energy demands
Solar energy customers have a special billing mechanism called “NEM” (Net Energy Metering), which gives credit for the electricity they add to the grid.
Electric vehicles are a great way to go green, as well, considered to be one of the most sustainable forms of transportation today. If you add solar power into the mix, you are looking at even more significant cost savings.
Did you know solar panel systems can last around 30 years? If you or someone you know is thinking about going solar it may be a good idea to check if your roof needs maintenance to ensure the lifetime of your investment.
Solar jobs in America have surpassed both the wind and fossil fuel industry combined. Projections and data show that this trend is only growing in 2019.
Curiosity is on the rise on the difference between solar shingles, solar roofs, solar tiles and traditional solar panels and if it’s worth the premium.
Earth Day 2019 may be over, but helping the environment goes beyond just a single day of the year. “Going Solar” has multiple benefits.
The key to determining how much you will save with your solar energy system comes from the understanding of how a solar panel will perform.
Investing in solar power can be a simple process! Here’s an example of a straight-forward, painless solar panel installation.
When considering installing solar, not only should you find a reliable company that will assess your history and future needs, try doing some research to determine what changes need to be made in your own home.
AltEstimates differ depending on the severity of the weather and panel placement, however, solar panels can generate anywhere from 10-25% their normal production on cloudy and rainy days.
Plant cells convert solar energy into chemical energy, whereas man-made solar cells convert solar energy into electrical energy.
The Solar Tax Credit is a one-time credit that allows you to deduct a percent of the cost of installing a solar energy system from your federal taxes.